Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can my family & friends meet me on the course?
A: Yes! Crew access is provided at three locations along the course – Savannah Corner, Hard Up Ahead, and the Start/Finish area. However, everyone must know and follow the crew rules on the Run page. This includes using the crew routes and not driving on the course. This Crew Access Map shows the route to these aid stations. Crew, family, or friends driving on the course will result in you getting disqualified.
Q: Can I drop to a shorter race distance?
A: This is a conditional yes! (we aim to please ☺) However, in addition to all the stuff listed in the bullet points below, you must report your distance drop-down immediately to the race director or lead volunteer at the finish line for the change to be acknowledged officially!
  • Only 100 mile and 100k runners are eligible to drop down.
    • The medal award will correspond with the distance completed.
    • 100 mile belt buckles will not be awarded if the 100 mile distance is not completed.
    • Dropping to a shorter distance will result in running more than the distance you drop to. Due to the course design, this can’t be helped. Do not chop off any mileage of the last lap - you must finish all of it!
  • There are no provisions for dropping down from the 50K, 25K to the 10-mile distance. Medals will not be awarded if the registered distance is not completed.
  • Drop-down runners are not eligible for overall or age group awards.
Q: I registered, but I can’t come. How about that refund?
A: Given the planning and investments we made on your behalf we can't offer refunds. Consider volunteering if you can’t race. With advanced notice we can offer a deferral or switch you to one of our other events. Contact us via email to get things sorted out.

2012 Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd, from my perspective

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© 2012, Podium Images

2012 Pumpkin Holler 50K by Brian Desmarais

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© 2012, Brian Desmarais