Runner Information

Run Schedule

Whether you are planning a 10(ish) mile or a 100 mile race keep this race day schedule in mind:

  • Saturday, Oct 19th
    • 6:00am – Packet Pickup Opens
    • 7:00am – 100 Mile and 100K start
    • 8:00am – 50K start
    • 9:00am – 25K and 10 Mile start
  • Sunday, Oct 20th
    • 6:00am – Cut-off at start/finish
    • 8:00am – Cut-off at Savannah Corner aid station
    • 11:15am – Cut-off at Hard Up Ahead aid station
    • 2:00pm – Cut-off for all racers


Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd awards will be given for:

  • Finisher awards to anyone who makes the 2:00pm Sunday cut-off and crosses the finish line
  • Top 3 Men Overall Trophy (each distance)
  • Top 3 Women Overall Trophy (each distance)

Awards ceremonies will be held ad-hoc by the race director as groups finish for each distance.

Drop Bags

100 Mile, 100K, and 50K runners are welcome to use drop bags as follows:

  • Please review closely as our race day schedule has changed - including drop bags
  • Drop bags must be labeled with your name, bib number, race distance and the aid station destination.
    • Use large, legible print.
    • Securely affix the label to the drop bag in an easily visible location.
    • Omissions will probably prevent your bag from reaching the desired destination.
  • Available drop bag aid station locations are:
    • Start/Finish
    • Savannah Corner
    • Hard Up Ahead
  • Deposit drop bags near the Start/Finish by 7:00am. Bags should be left next to the corresponding aid station sign for delivery to the noted aid stations.
  • Drop bags should be a waterproof bag or small box type container. Trash bags, heavy duty plastic bags, recycled grocery tote bags, small gym bags, sport bags, Tupperware or Rubbermaid containers all work well. Generally paper bags or cardboard boxes are not good materials for drop bags.
  • Please be considerate of size of your drop supplies. Foot lockers are for college, not an overnight stay. There will be room near your car or the start/finish aid station for larger containers.
  • 50K runners should consider thier drop bags disposable since they won't be returned to the start/finish line until Sunday when the aid station is shut down.

Drop Bag Retrieval - Please remember to take your drop bags home.

We totally understand that everyone is tired and wants to head home after running. However, runners nor their crew are permitted to drive on the course to pick up their drop bags. 100K and 50K runners who want to grab their drop bags at the conclusion of his/her race can follow the crew map directions and drive the paved roads to the aid stations. Otherwise, after the last 100 mile runners leave the drop bag aid stations, the drop bags will be delivered to the start/finish area.

Runner Rules

We want your experience at the Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd to be the best possible. For your safety, the safety of others and to ensure we can continue this event we have a few rules to follow.

  • Rule #1 - Leave No Trash On The Course. If you bring it in, you must take it out. There are trash cans at every aid station and roving support vehicles. Anyone caught littering will be disqualified. Anyone. This entire course is on county roads along the banks of the scenic Illinois River and the perimeter of the Nickel Preserve. We do not want to jeopardize our ability to utilize this area. Littering includes gel tear-off tabs, banana peels, candy wrappers and other trash (organic or not).
  • Rule #2 - Appreciate the volunteers. Many volunteers were up before you preparing for the day. Many will stay out longer cleaning up. Most will do both. Rude or disrespectful behavior towards a volunteer, staff or race director will get you disqualified.
  • Rule #3 – No short-cuts. If you find yourself off course return to the last location you know you were on the course and continue on. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. We don't charge extra for bonus miles, but you don't get credit either.
  • Rule #4 - Have fun!

Additional Rules

  • Race bib/number must be worn on the runner’s front and must be visible at all times.
  • From dusk to dawn runners and pacers must wear (1) a headlamp and (2) reflective gear and/or a flasher on thier back.
  • Runners must follow the course maps provided, including the out & back section.
  • Pacers are allowed for only 100 mile and 100K runners after the first loop. Pacers are allowed on first loop if runner is over 60.
  • Pacers are not allowed for the 50K, 25K or 10 mile distances
  • Runners are responsible for the actions of their pacers/crews and must observe/convey the Pacer Rules and Crew Rules to their team.
  • The number of pacers is not limited, but the runner may be accompanied by only one pacer at a time.
  • Pacers may join their runner and enter the course ONLY at one of the designated crew access points: Start/Finish, Savannah Corner, Hard Up Ahead
  • Runners receiving aid from crews outside of the designated crew access points are subject to disqualification.
  • Stashing supplies along the course is forbidden.
  • Any runner dropping out must immediately notify the nearest aid station captain or race management at the start/finish area.
  • Medical personnel, race directors and aid station captains have the right to pull a runner if they feel a runner may be a danger to himself/herself or others.
  • All runners will abide by the directions of race management.
  • Violations of any rule will be grounds for disqualification.
  • All decisions of race management are final.

Pacer & Crew Information

Pacers and crew can be the difference between an ultra runner finishing a race or tallying up a dreaded DNF. So, for the best race experience and the safety of all participants, Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd has specific, non-negotiable rules. Hey, we’re ultra runners and we hate rules, but they’re a necessary evil and can result in the disqualification of the race participant if a pacer or crew member violates, or otherwise interferes with the safety and integrity of PHH.

Pacer Rules

We want your experience at the Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd to be the best possible. For your safety, the safety of others and to ensure we can continue this event we have a few rules pacers must follow.

  • All runner rules also apply to pacers and crew.
  • 50K, 25K, and 10 mile runners may not have a pacer.
  • Pacers will be allowed for all 100 mile and 100K runners AFTER the first 50K loop is completed.
  • Each runner may have as many pacers as they like, however only one pacer at a time can accompany the runner.
    • Runners are prohibited from having more than one pacer at a time. The ONLY EXCEPTION is when the runner crosses the bridge for the last time. Anywhere between the bridge and the finish, friends/family members may run the last little bit with their runner.
  • Pacers must meet their runner at one of three designated crew-access points:
    • Start/Finish
    • Savannah Corner
    • Hard Up Ahead
  • The preferred driving route to each approved-access aid station is available on the course map
  • From dusk to dawn, pacers must wear reflective gear, a headlamp, and a flasher on his/her back.
  • Pacers do not pay an entry fee, but are welcome to all of the aid that the runner receives.
  • Pacers will not receive finisher’s medals or race bling.
  • If you have a pacer that is also interested in running a 50K, we can accommodate that. We allow a late start for pacers so they can pace a full loop with a friend. Check with a race director at the start line to get your start time adjusted. You will do your out-and-back segment across the bridge before you start your lap.
  • Pacers must be over 18 years of age or have the signed permission from a parent or legal guardian.
  • Runners age 60 and older may have a pacer for the entire 100 mile or 100K distance.
  • Pacers may not "Mule" for a runner at any time. Muling is carrying and/or supplying water, extra clothing, medical supplies. This provides an unfair advantage to those who choose not to use a pacer.
  • Pacers must not interfere with other race participants.
  • Each pacer must clearly identify themselves when passing through the aid stations.
  • Runners are responsible for the actions of their pacers and crews. Pacer violations of rules may result in disqualification of the runner(s).

Crew Rules

  • All runner rules also apply to pacers and crew.
  • Crew race support is allowed at three designated crew-access points:
    • Start/Finish
    • Savannah Corner
    • Hard Up Ahead
  • The only allowed driving route to each approved-access aid station is available on the course map
  • Crew vehicles are strictly prohibited from entering the course - unless there is a medical emergency.
  • Obey the "No Parking" signs and instructions from volunteers. Blocking the road at aid stations will result in your runner getting disqualified and your vehicle towed.
  • Crew members must stay within 100 yards of the designated crew-access aid stations while providing physical support. Outside of 100 yards they must follow the Pacer Rules including the one-pacer rule.
  • Crew members must not interfere with other race participants.
  • Runners are responsible for the actions of their pacers and crews. Crew member violations of rules may result in disqualification of the runner(s).

Early Start Runners

Starting in 2024 we are eliminating the early start option.

Due to the increasing burden on our volunteers we are adjusting the start times and eliminating the early start option. 100 mile and 100K runners will have 31 hours to complete this race. Please reach out to us before the race if you believe you need longer than 31 hours and we will make accommodations the best we can.

Carl, Dale and Jodi ready to race in the 2016 Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd

Learn more

© 2016, Liz Beaudrie-Baker

Wes, our 100 miler hero

Learn more

© 2012, Podium Images

Stormy & Dana are welcome sites at the finish line for a 100 mile 'jog' (more like walk).

Learn more

© 2015, Beyond Ordinary Life Photography